Matangi and Princess Christina Competition

We believe that talent development is very important. That is why we are very proud to announce that we have entered into a partnership with the Princess Christina Competition.
Next season, prize winner harpist Merle van der Ligte will perform at our Unheard Music Festival and we will offer young participants of the PCC composition competition the opportunity to write a #90seconds for us with the theme “Freedom”.
Registration has just started and we are of course very curious about the creations of the next generation of composers.

You can register until August 1, and the age limit is 12 to 21 years. The 15 best compositions (selected by a professional jury) will be performed live during the closing presentation of the competition on November 13, 2022 in the Azijnfabriek in 's Hertogenbosch during November Music.
Click here for more information.

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