In retrospect (Un)heard Music Festival

It's a wrap, the (Un)heard Music Festival 2023! Two days full of music, dance and film inthe nice ambiance of Korzo in The Hague.
John Psathas from New Zealand was composer-in-residence during the festival. Due to his Greek background, his music is an interesting fusion of European traditions, folk music from both continents and influences from jazz and pop music. With musical performances of his unparalleled diversity of sounds and rhythms, the audience is surprised and overwhelmed. Due to the broad fringe programming, which included a conversation with the audience and the composer, a high tea after the opening concert, a film in Club Korzo and a lovely Greek buffet, it became a coherent festival in which the music of the 'unheard of' John Psathas finally took center stage on a Dutch stage. It was not only a great experience for the Matangis and guest musicians, dancers and audience, John Psathas also thought it was a special experience:

'What a wonderful and rich experience it was for me. Everything was amazing (well, maybe not the weather….), and I enjoyed so much connecting with audience members after events. That was a very special part of the experience for me. With much love, the deepest respect, and sincere gratitude,

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