Daniel's last concert

How charged can an evening be? Daniel, who is a co-founder of Matangi and has put his heart and soul into building a wonderful career in the music world for 23 years, was given carte blanche and chose Mendelssohn's op. 12 and Shostakovich's fiery and emotional 8th string quartet for his last concert with Matangi. Surrounded by many close quartet friends, family, acquaintances and the godfather of Matangi: Stefan Metz and his wife Isabelle Bensa, we thoroughly enjoyed the last few live sounding notes with Daniel in Matangi. A chapter is closed, one with many wonderful moments. Beautiful albums that we have recorded, the countless concerts, intense special and inspiring collaborations... Raising the bar a little higher every time. To us: Maria-Paula, Karsten and Arno, the beautiful task lies ahead, looking for a violinist who will turn the page with us to write a new chapter. On to 25 years of Matangi!

1 comment

Uteke van Kooten

Beste musici van het Matangi strijkkwartet,
Vanmiddag heb ik genoten van jullie concert met Carel Kraayenhof/bandoneon in Dordrecht aan de Oude Maas.
Graag blijf ik op de hoogte van jullie prestaties.
Wanneer komt de CD uit met de bandoneon?
Ik zou de zo prachtige Mondscheinsonate van Beethoven vaker willen beluisteren.
Ik wens jullie veel succes verder in jullie optredens.
Hartelijke groeten,
Uteke van Kooten

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