UPDATE: Moments with Matangi - Thème Russe

We regret to announce that the concert in our series, Moments with Matangi on Sunday, October 4, is unfortunately canceled. The new measures taken by the government to prevent new corona infections (max. 30 people audience) mean that the concert costs us money if we let it go ahead. We therefore had to decide to postpone this concert. At the moment we have no idea when this can take place. The concert on Friday October 2 in The Hague will take place.

Alexander Borodin - Scherzo

Ludwig van Beethoven - Stringquartet op. 59 no. 2

Dmitri Shostakovich - Stringquartet no .8

October 2 8.30 p.m. - Nieuwe Kerk, Den Haag (TICKETS)

October 4 3.30 p.m. - De Duif, Amsterdam (CANCELED)

In 1808, Count Razoemovsky, Russian Ambassador in Vienna, founded a string quartet associated with his house consisting of Ignaz Schuppanzigh, Josef Mayseder, Franz Weiss and Anton Kraft. Razumovsky was known as a skilled player of the Torban, a Ukrainian teorbe. Because he ordered three string quartets from Beethoven (op.59), his name has remained known. In two of the quartets, Beethoven introduced "Russian" themes as a compliment to his patron. With this program, the Matangis pay tribute to this patron of the legendary Ludwig van Beethoven, whose 250th birthday will be celebrated in the 2020/2021 cultural season. In addition to Beethoven's string quartet op.59/2 with a much recurring "Thème Russe" in the third movement, the Matangis play Borodin's "Scherzo" from "Les Vendredis" and Dmitri Schostakovich's famous 8th string quartet.

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