ZST Live - Canto Ostinato & #90seconds

With their online initiative, ZST Live, the Zuiderstrandtheater from The Hague has invited us for the second time to give them a concert. Last time everything was still in its infancy and unfortunately the image of the stream was not good. Many steps have been taken since then and we are assured that this time it will all go well.

We are very happy with this opportunity to show and hear something from us. We take this opportunity to play some of our # 90seconds and we will further complete the program with Canto Ostinato Strings Attached.

The stream was broadcasted on June 11, directly from the Havenfoyer in the Zuiderstrandtheater. You can watch the replay of the stream on VIMEO.

Support the stream on: https://www.geef.nl/nl/actie/matangi-zstlive
Or contribute to our #90seconds project on Voordekunst. (click here)

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